Professional Psychological Associates
3745 Shawnee Road, Suite 105, Lima, OH 45806 419-999-2024

In my eLearning it is my wish and dream to touch as many lives as possible.
Herein lies my reason to produce and share these videos.
I wish for my present clients to study more thoroughly to internalize
the education so they may do better in their daily lives.
I wish for the family members of my clients to study the videos.
I wish for past clients to visit the website and find an extremely
healthy method to review and update their education.
I wish for my new clients that are awaiting their first session to be
able to learn before they ever walk in my door.
I wish people would find my website and obtain this education they would not otherwise possess.
I wish for any one of the persons above to pass this learning on to
one other person in their life.
What is eLEARNING?
eLearning is as it refers - learning on-line in the comfort of your home.
Micro-learning refers to micro-perspectives of learning, education, training and skill development.
Micro-learning works with relatively small learning units.
It involves short-term focused strategies especially designed for skill based
The videos contained in the micro-learnings are from as short as a 1 minute
and 45 seconds to as long as 10 minutes and 35 seconds.
Micro-learning will allow a person to study as much or as little as they wish depending on their time constraints.
What is the content of the eLearning?
In studies on the science of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT),
hundred of studies have shown that CBT is a powerful viable solution
to concerns of anxiety, depression and challenging life events.
Even when CBT is experienced in eLearning on-line micro-learning it can be
just as effective as face-to-face sessions.
eLearning is a convenient, cost-effective, and private option for those who prefer learning in their own environment on-line.
All of the eLearnings are viewed in video format.
The videos will be as if you saw me in person.
The videos are to the point with no excessive reading.
I kindly suggest to start in the order the videos are presented.
How to Say Anything to Anyone with Grace
(1) Introduction and Overview of How To Say Anything to Anyone with Grace (10:34)
(2) The Truth About Anger (9:27)
(3) The 4 Modes of Behavior (7:03)
(4) "I" Message (7:39)
A Diagrammatic Visualization Strategically Approaching Thinking, Feeling & Behaving (TIAD)
There are 19 videos in the TIAD series:
(1) A Diagrammatic Visualization Strategically Approaching Thinking, Feeling & Behaving (TIAD) (2:47)
(2) The Power of the Mind (6:16)
(3) How It All Came About (2:34)
(4) A Vital Story (3:28)
(5) Ambidextrous Thinking (3:34)
(6) Your Beliefs (2:25)
(7) Dr. Leo Buscaglia (2:35)
(8) A Tattoo (2:24)
(9) The Diagram Overview (2:02)
(10) The Diagram Explained (3:43)
(11) Slide to the Left, Slide to the Right (1:49)
(12) Slow & Conscious (2:12)
(13) Thinking About Your Thinking (1:05)
(14) Refute, Refute, Refute (2:16)
(15) If You Need To Feel... (1:55)
(16) Cognitive Ping Pong (2:40)
(17) The Connection (4:39)
(18) Shhh... (1:37)
(19) Thinking In A Diagram (5:17)
"I Never Learned That..."
There are 17 videos in the series:
(1) Introduction to "I Never Learned That..." (1:43)
(2) The Airplane Story (4:21)
(3) The Paradigms of grief (8:56)
(4) The Swirl (1:46)
(5) Escape on the Continuum (2:06)
(6) Introvert / Ambivert / Extrovert (2:07)
(7) Negativity Dominance (2:37)
(8) OCD vs POC (4:02)
(9) Giver / Tiver / Taker (2:30)
(10) Why Questions Frustrate (3:05)
(11) Carefrontation (2:02)
(12) Impose / Expose (3:23)
(13) Stages of a Relationship (5:40)
(14) Consciously Nurture (3:40)
(15) The 5 Stages of Change (3:17)
(16) The Lemon Exercise (4:44)
(17) Summary (2:15)

Cost = 2.5 hours of education
for 6 months = $75
Cost = 2.5 hours of education
for 6 months = $75

How to Proceed
To go forth with the eLearning you will need to decide if you would like to Pay Dr. Stacy in Person or use a credit card and Buy Now.
If you decide to Pay in Person, contact Dr. Stacy and she will take care of the needed transaction and share with you the process to access the eLearning.
To log on using this payment method you will use the "GUEST LOGIN" tab.
If you decide to Buy Now you will follow the process of sharing your email & credit card information. Once the transaction is verified I will receive an email of your purchase.
After you share your credit card information, at your convenience, you will go to the Member Sign In
drop down tab and Sign Up with your email and create your Password.
I will be notified and activate your account. You will then be able to Log In.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me: WARRIORWITHGRACE@ME.COM
The education provided is intended for skill development purposes only.
The education is NOT a substitute for seeking diagnosis and treatment from a qualified person.
Always consult a medical practitioner or mental health professional if you require a diagnosis or treatment
for a mental health concern.
A pertinent reason this is important is that a mental health concern is sometimes caused by physical illness or certain medications and a doctor can speak to you about these concerns.